Foods To Reduce Blood Pressure

    blood pressure

  • The pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls
  • The following is an episode list for the MTV animated television series Beavis and Butt-head. The series has its roots in 1992 when Mike Judge created two animated shorts – “Frog Baseball” and “Peace, Love & Understanding” – which were later aired on Liquid Television.
  • The hydrostatic force that blood exerts against the wall of a vessel.
  • the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart; sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person’s health; “adult blood pressure is considered normal at 120/80 where the first number is the systolic

    to reduce

  • to boil quickly and drive off some of the water, thus giving a denser consistency or more concentrated flavour.


  • (food) any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue
  • (food) any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment; “food and drink”
  • Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth
  • (food) anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking

foods to reduce blood pressure

foods to reduce blood pressure – WSN® Blood

WSN® Blood Vessel Support Formula, a Medical Food Specifically Formulated for the Dietary Management of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
WSN® Blood Vessel Support Formula, a Medical Food Specifically Formulated for the Dietary Management of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
This Formula is a completely natural product that is support blood pressure levels. Under normal conditions when the tiny muscles that control blood pressure are relaxed, your arteries operate like soft rubber tubes that expand with each beat of your heart, and your blood pressure remains normal. When these muscles tense up, the arteries become narrower, more rigid and less flexible and raises blood pressure. Poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, overweight, alcohol and caffeine in excess, emotional and physical stress and the diabetic condition all cause the loss of vital minerals to the body. These minerals are essential to the natural and effective control of blood pressure. Not having enough magnesium is one of the primary causes of high blood pressure. The Blood Vessel Support formula is a unique combination of wholefood Vitamins and minerals, especially Magnesium, that will nourish the cells of your vascular system with the nutrition they need. If you give the body the right fuel and the right nutrients, it will respond and help to bring down your blood pressure naturally. These supplements are rapidly absorbed by the body and transported to where they are needed, retained and utilized We’re so sure about the quality and effectiveness of the WSN® Blood Vessel Support Formula, and that you will experience the results you want, we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee and a free support line to help you get the results you seek.

31/01/11: Heart

31/01/11: Heart
The British Heart Foundation is a charity close to my own – if you’ll excuse the pun – heart. My Dad had the first of three heart attacks in August 1996, when he was just 47 years old. He went on to have a quadruple heart bypass in November of that year. Unfortunately, 3 of the 4 grafts have completely broken down and the 4th graft is too close to his heart to have repeat surgery to replace/strengthen it. He also has a hereditary heart disease, so at only 62, his health and lifestyle are limited, and his expected lifespan is not great – he’s already living on ‘borrowed time’, as the bypass only ‘guaranteed’ him 10 years.

Most of my Dad’s heart problems could have been prevented. He was a heavy smoker, had a stressful, high-powered job, rarely excercised and loved fried and fatty foods. We should all be thinking about our heart health and what we can do to keep as healthy as possible.

There’s lots you can do to keep your heart healthy – whatever your age.
Taking exercise, eating a healthy diet, encouraging children to be heart healthy and being aware of dangers such as smoking, drinking, high blood pressure and stress.

Prevention really is better than cure. People of all ages who are physically active are half as likely to get cardiovascular disease as those that are inactive.And a healthy diet helps to reduce your risk of developing heart disease, or if you’ve already got heart problems it will help to protect your heart.

The British Heart Foundation is the nation’s heart charity. Their vision is a world where people don’t die prematurely from heart disease. They look to achieve this through pioneering research, vital prevention activity and ensuring quality care and support for everyone living with heart disease.

2011 is the British Heart Foundation’s 50th birthday, so what better time to join the celebrations? Get involved in Red for Heart to help raise funds for their vital work.

Go red this February and join in the fun for National Heart Month.


Celery has never been one of my favorite vegetables…unless it is swirling around the tall glass of a Bloody Mary. The taste is flavorful and attractive but there’s something about the texture that is not so appealing. With an attempt to fortify my fridge with healthy snacks, I’m trying to create a love affair with this stalky green rib (sans the drink!).

Starting with a photographic study, I’ve determined there is enough diversity to further the interaction. The triangular channel with its columned grooves offset the leafy tops with both parts being edible. Next a bit of research reveals the nutritional value (vitamins and minerals abound along with the expected fiber), as well as other health benefits like reducing blood pressure, cancer development, and perhaps even arthritis. Ok, I’m sold – it won’t take the place of chocolate, but it will have to do! 😉 Naples, FL

foods to reduce blood pressure

Hypertension and Your Heart - Understanding and Managing High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure kills thousands of people every year. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is a precursor for stroke, heart attack, heart failure and kidney disease – all of which can be fatal.

According to the American Heart Association, approximately one out of every three people has hypertension – and about a third of those people don’t know it because the symptoms aren’t obvious. AHA statistics reveal that if you have hypertension, you are 3 times more likely to die of a heart attack, 4 times more likely to die of a stroke, 2-3 times more likely to develop heart failure and 3 times more likely to develop kidney failure than someone without hypertension.

Hypertension is a prolonged increase of blood pressure in the arteries as a result of constricted blood flow. Most often this constriction occurs as an inflammatory response to excess levels of cholesterol or sodium in the blood or some other condition that the body feels is a threat to your health. This inflammatory response increases chances for clotting in the artery, which very often leads to heart attack or stroke. In fact, national and global health agencies have determined that high blood pressure is the number one controllable risk factor for stroke.

Fast food, television, 8 to 10-hour days behind desks and computers, modern conveniences and stress of every sort all contribute to hypertension. The major risk factors for hypertension are excess consumption of cholesterol and salt, lack of physical exercise and high levels of ongoing stress.

Fortunately, just as lifestyle can increase your risk for hypertension, changes to your lifestyle can dramatically reduce your risk, and even reverse high blood pressure. Understanding why you have high blood pressure and how to make changes that will improve your condition is the best thing you can do for your hypertension.

Hypertension and Your Heart: Understanding and Managing High Blood Pressure, is a must-have reference for anyone struggling to overcome high blood pressure. This downloadable book helps you to thoroughly understand the causes and symptoms behind high blood pressure and helps you develop a specific plan for combating this deadly condition.

Here’s a peak at what’s inside:

Understand what high blood pressure is and how it affects your health – the most recent information available from experts in hypertension and heart health.

Learn how blood pressure is monitored, what the numbers mean, how you can monitor your blood pressure at home and the benefits of doing so instead of relying on trips to your physician’s office.

Understand the difference between hypertension and pre-hypertension and why identifying pre-hypertension early can significantly improve your chances of avoiding hypertension.

Distinguish between the two types of hypertension and learn how to identify the symptoms, and what you can do to control each.

Learn to identify the risk factors that lead to high blood pressure so you can identify hypertension risks in your life early and take steps to avoid or correct the condition.

You’ll find out which medications are commonly prescribed for hypertension and how they may or may not help you – be able to make informed decisions about medications your doctor recommends.

Discover 8 ways to treat hypertension without drugs.

Learn the truth behind many myths about high blood pressure.

Hypertension and Your Heart: Understanding and Managing High Blood Pressure gives you the information and insight you need to make intelligent and effective lifestyle changes necessary to significantly decrease your risk for hypertension.